Hands-on tech enrichment and computer literacy.
Tired of your kids playing around with their video games and gadgets? Why not let them *make* the games and gadgets! Let your child discover and nurture his or her inner engineer and scientist with a quality tech education. At Epic Tech Adventures, kids design and build their own robots and computer programs while developing core math, problem solving, and teamwork skills at the same time!
Our Various Tech Adventures

Intro to Robotics : Ages 7 – 14
This course lays the foundation necessary for you to create your own robot. Kids discuss real-world problems, then, applying science and engineering principles learned, students build and program Lego robots to solve those challenges. Challenges include: building a robotic car for speed and strength, lifting weights with cranes, and “shotput” competitions using catapults in a robot Olympics!

Advanced Robotics : Ages 8 – 14
Want to take engineering and programming to the next level? Students challenge themselves with more complex robotics projects such as building real walking robots, just like in Star Wars! Tilt, and motion sensors are introduced, allowing students to create fully interactive robots that react to their environment. Students explore the science and tech behind car steering and navigation, creating their own automobiles driven by pre-programmed computer algorithms, as well as by human drivers using robotics sensors. And how about an exciting game of robot soccer!? This course may be repeated as new challenges are presented each session.

Expert Robotics : Ages 8 – 16
The “Mission Impossible” of robotics, this course is for the serious robotics pros looking for even tougher challenges to scale – literally! Robots that can climb walls, automatic pencil sharpeners, three-axis robotics arms, and more! It’s not just on the drawing board anymore, either. You’ll tackle real world issues such as building oil spill cleanup bots that locate and remove pollutants from a site, and after this class, you’ll be able to design any machine short of a flying car. Or maybe you’ll go on to invent one yourself!

Game Creation : Ages 8 – 14
Ever wondered what it’s like to *make* a video game rather than just playing one? In this class you’ll be taking on the role of game designer, programmer, and artist as you create fun and engaging maze, strategy, and physics-based games! Parents, this course is a great way to help your kids built core math understanding including logical statements, variables, positive/negative numbers, rotation, and Cartesian coordinates. Kids discover and apply intuitively vital physics concepts such as the law of gravity – by making their own little Mario jump up and down!

2D Animation : Ages 8 – 14
Do you like to doodle characters and scenes in your spare time? Think you have a great idea for an animated cartoon or a movie? In this course, you’ll be introduced to the animation process from writing the story, to creating and animating the characters, all the way to adding sounds and other finishing touches! You’ll learn the ins and outs of how pro animation studios like Disney and Dreamworks create their animated movies and finish the course with your very own short film!s!
To Register please call: (808) 955-6100